Course Overview 課程介紹
This RYT200 yoga training programme is the perfect course for yoga practitioners who wish to advance their practices or teaching. This course is designed to provide you with a thorough and comprehensive training in both the practice and teaching of yoga. Whether your goal is simply to enhance your own knowledge, or to gain the skills and accreditation to teach others, our mission is to deliver a high-quality training that provides you with all the tools needed to progress you forward on your yoga journey.
One Yoga的RYT200網上瑜珈導師培訓課程適合任何程度的瑜珈練習者。如果你想深入的了解瑜珈的各種理論、哲學、歷史及有系統地學習瑜珈動作,就千萬不要錯過這個課程。無論你是想成為瑜珈老師還是充實自己,這個課程都可以提供你需要的知識。
Short Experience Course 體驗課程
We understand that online learning could be a daunting experience for those who have never tried before. Our online programme is structured in a series of short bite-size video, short reading and quizzes to ensure that you can learn efficiently anytime anywhere. You can enroll our 2-hour experience course to get a taste of what it is like before you join us:
Language 語言
Course text materials are available in both English and Chinese with video in Cantonese.
Lead Teacher 主教老師
Teacher Samantha, the founder of One Yoga and Samantha Yoga, is the Lead Teacher for this programme.
One Yoga及Samantha Yoga的創辦人Samantha老師是本課程的主教老師
Access 課程登入
Once enrolled, you will be given 6-month unlimited access to the programme materials
Terms and Conditions 條款
Once signed-up, the programme is non-refundable and non-transferable. You are required to read carefully the terms and conditions before sign up.
Exam 考試
Programme exam would be conducted online. It will be in the form of multiple choice questions. There will be a total of 60 questions and the pass hurdle is 70%. You will have the opportunity to re-take once.
Certificate 證書
Upon graduation you could apply for a certification of completion with which you can register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT200 teacher. A completion certificate is available at an extra cost of HK$200, which could be used to register with Yoga Alliance as RYT 200.
Before you apply for the graduation certificate, you are required to complete the full course and all the assignments. We reserve the right to withhold the certificate if you fail to meet the requirement.
完成課程後你將會獲得Yoga Alliance認可的RYT200資歷。你可以在完成課程後選擇用HK$200購買課程證書。憑證書你可以在Yoga Alliance登記RYT 200。
I like the lesson of Human Anatomy , found it quite useful to know our body better and which yoga pose to related with. Videos of Poses study are displayed in well organized and detailed way. The online training class can give an opportunity to people who have busy working schedule and cannot afford to spend their time to attend the real class schedule regularly. it's valuable.
The best about the programme I like the most is I can start any chapter I like at anytime and anywhere. I do not need to learn one by one.
It's so flexible to take the online course and I can start the course and stop the course at any time within the three months. I think it's reli a good practice, even after the covid-19.
I like the notes in English and teaching in Cantonese Either shorten the duration of quizzes or add more MC questions
I like the very organized structure of the learning materials, with bite-size videos and quiz for each part, making the learning process more effective. Also it is great to be able to revisit any topics any time. At the moment only some chapters have recap. It will be good to have a quick recap for each chapter.
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18 留言




請問online course 怎樣考試?thanks

Sorry, I mean 有冇動作practIce 形式的考試?not theory 那種。thanks

Joanna – 課程有功課,錄影教學讓老師review



Hi, I just finished the Shatkarma Quiz this afternoon, in general it was ok for me
But only one question 8 I need to clarify the answer, my chosen answer is TRUE, the result come up is incorrect.
May I know what the error is?
Thank you so much!

Hi, the question no.8 anaswer is True, you are correct. Thank you for spotting and letting us know.

Morning, it’s great! Thanks for the reply
Btw, how is my score on question no.8? Have you updated for me yet? If so, then i don’t need to retake again.
想問下你地發出同yoga alliance 發出的兩張証書會有寫住”ONLINE” 嗎?因為this program 對我來講好方便,但可能香港暫時對online 2字會有保留,我怕會冇studio認可
online 1字 lol

我們的certificate online和offline是一樣的,不會特別註明是online programme 希望幫到你

I would like to inquire about the process for receiving certification once I have completed all the lectures and passed all the tests. Could you please provide information on how and when I can obtain the certification? Do I need to notify the school, or will someone inform me?

instructions are included in the course. You will be need to notify us once you have completed the programme.

One Yoga你好:
網上ryt 課程除MC 外,想問有否實習試?功課主要內容是甚麼?