Course Overview 課程介紹
This is a short 2-hour course for you to experience our 200-hour online teacher training programme for FREE. In this 2-hour training course, you will learn selected topics from the programme with Teacher Samantha. The course comprises a series of short video and quiz at the end to test your understanding of the concepts. It is suitable for yogi of all levels of experiences. We hope you will enjoy the experience. Link to Full Programme here.
Special Offer 限時優惠
If you join and complete this free programme, you will enjoy a special time-limited discount on the full online RYT200 programme.
如果你參加並完成這個免費課程,你將能享受Online RYT200課程的限時報名優惠。
Registration 登記
This course is currently free to enroll. All you need to create an account is a valid email address. No credit information is required.
Language 語言
Course materials are English based with Chinese translation. All video are in Cantonese.
Access 課程登入
Once enrolled, you will be given 2-week unlimited access to the programme materials
Terms and Conditions 條款
Once signed-up, the programme is non-refundable and non-transferable. You are required to read carefully the terms and conditions before sign up.
40 留言

