RYT200 Yoga Theory Learning / RYT200瑜珈聯盟認可瑜珈導師培訓課程理論課

Course Overview 課程介紹 This RYT200 yoga training programme is the perfect course for yoga practitioners who wish to advance their […]


One Yoga wfdad

RYT200 Yoga Theory Learning / RYT200瑜珈聯盟認可瑜珈導師培訓課程理論課

125 days
All levels
183 lessons
27 quizzes
528 students

Course Overview 課程介紹

This RYT200 yoga training programme is the perfect course for yoga practitioners who wish to advance their practices or teaching. This course is designed to provide you with a thorough and comprehensive training in both the practice and teaching of yoga. Whether your goal is simply to enhance your own knowledge, or to gain the skills and accreditation to teach others, our mission is to deliver a high-quality training that provides you with all the tools needed to progress you forward on your yoga journey.

This course is the online section of the in-studio teacher training programme (link to details 此處). The programme comprises 3 main elements:

1. In Studio Training (10 Days)

2. Online Learning (this course)

3. 於課程期間參加40小時One Yoga平日課程作為動作練習(課程費用已包含40節課的費用)

One Yoga的RYT200網上瑜珈導師培訓課程適合任何程度的瑜珈練習者。如果你想深入的了解瑜珈的各種理論、哲學、歷史及有系統地學習瑜珈動作,就千萬不要錯過這個課程。無論你是想成為瑜珈老師還是充實自己,這個課程都可以提供你需要的知識。

此乃One Yoga的瑜珈導師培訓課程中網上學習部分(詳情請見此連結)。本課程包含以下三個部分:

1. 面對面授課 (10天)

2. 網上平台學習瑜珈理論(本課程)

3. 於課程期間參加40小時One Yoga平日課程作為動作練習(課程費用已包含40節課的費用)

Language 語言

Course materials are English based with video in Cantonese.


Lead Teacher 主教老師

Teacher Samantha, the founder of One Yoga and Samantha Yoga, is the Lead Teacher for this programme.

One Yoga及Samantha Yoga的創辦人Samantha老師是本課程的主教老師

Access 課程登入

Once enrolled, you will be given 4-month unlimited access to the programme materials


Terms and Conditions 條款

Once signed-up, the programme is non-refundable and non-transferable. You are required to read carefully the terms and conditions before sign up.


Exam 考試

Programme exam would be conducted online. It will be in the form of multiple choice questions. There will be a total of 60 questions and the pass hurdle is 70%. You will have the opportunity to re-take once.


Certificate 證書

Upon graduation you could apply for a certification of completion with which you can register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT200 teacher. Before you apply for the graduation certificate, you are required to complete the full course and all the assignments. We reserve the right to withhold the certificate if you fail to meet the requirement.

完成課程後你將會獲得Yoga Alliance認可的RYT200資歷。憑證書你可以在Yoga Alliance登記RYT 200。在申請畢業證書之前你必須要完成所有課程內容及功課。如果你沒有完成課程規定的內容,我們保留不發出證書的權利。

0 total

12 留言

jeannie chan
三月 21, 2021 at 1:54 上午

hi, im interested in this course. but may I know are there lessons onlinr? thanks.

三月 22, 2021 at 4:08 上午

請問有做瑜伽一段時間但未能做到split, forearm stand, shoulder stand等較 intermediate的動作,是否適合這個課程?thx

    One Yoga wfdad
    One Yoga
    三月 22, 2021 at 4:15 上午

    其實課程會由最基本學起。我們之前有同學是只有跳舞經驗而沒有瑜珈經驗最後都學得好好,課程中會教大家這些intermediate的動作。目前做不到是正常的 🙂

三月 23, 2021 at 6:48 上午

Hello, May I know if the online classes will be back to face-to-face classes when the covid situation is less tense? And from what I read, the current course covers 100 hours of asana practice + in studio training, is it the same amount of hours as the 200-hr-training before covid? thanks!

    One Yoga wfdad
    One Yoga
    三月 23, 2021 at 11:07 上午

    This programme will be a mix of face-to-face and online learning as per the course description. The number of face-to-face classes are fixed.

五月 1, 2021 at 5:18 下午

Hello, will the ’40hr regular asana classes’ be within the ‘In-studio training (9:00-4:00)’ or is it a different time-slot that I need to attend? Thank you.

    One Yoga wfdad
    One Yoga
    五月 3, 2021 at 9:15 上午

    The 40hr regular classes are outside of the in-studio training time schedule. They are regular practice you need to complete as part of the programme and you could choose regular classes from our schedule to fulfill this requirement.

六月 17, 2021 at 7:52 上午

What’s earliest weekend class a/v?

    One Yoga wfdad
    One Yoga
    六月 17, 2021 at 1:32 下午

    We have one that is on-going. Date for the next batch has yet to be decided. If you are interested please whatsapp us and we will inform you when we have the dates.

十一月 25, 2022 at 4:51 上午


    One Yoga wfdad
    One Yoga
    十一月 25, 2022 at 2:32 下午

    老師的影片都是廣東話的,不會很難明 🙂
